Welcome to the New Green Frog
Saturday was a busy day.
It was raining at breakfast time and I wasn't sure if it would be worth driving up to Lynden to try to take photos at the NSEA work party. When I checked the weather radar map, it showed that Lynden was on the fringe of a rainy area, but the showers were moving rapidly across the region.
The work party was on a creek I hadn't seen before, so I decided to go take a look. It rained all the way there, and continued off and on through the morning, but more on than off. I kept my real camera in the car and used the iPhone to take photos. It's well protected from the elements in an Otterbox case.
After lunch I went down to the man cave, finished installing the first sheet of pegboard, and even hung a few tools and clamps on it. It was very satisfying -- I'll get that place sorted out yet!
Following a quick dinner, Cynthia and I were off to hear the Bellingham Chamber Chorale perform the Fauré Requiem and Mozart's Solemn Vespers at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. It's an excellent choir, and we have several friends who are members.
My back has been rather sore lately, probably due to frequent lifting and carrying Miss Annie. The straight-backed upright church pews were making me very uncomfortable, so I left Cynthia there at the intermission and went to the re-opening of the Green Frog in its new location.
The event was unadvertised, but you wouldn't have guessed it from the size of the crowd. I wouldn't have known about it I hadn't stopped to pick up a few more screws at Hardware Sales on my way home from the morning work party. I met James, owner of the Frog, and he told me about it.
Although I'd set my phone ringer to maximum volume, I didn't hear it ring, and by the time I discovered C's message, she'd been waiting twenty minutes outside the church for me to pick her up. In future, I'll set the phone to vibrate, and put it in my shirt pocket.
The British heather ale I sampled was excellent. I'll have to go back to get the name of the brewery -- and maybe have some more.
P.S. I just noticed the weather a year ago was just as bad.
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