Dan vs food part 2

went out with my pal Dan last night...

One of the reasons why we've always got on so well is a mutual appreciation of puddings... Dan can eat chocolate and deserts with the gusto and delight of a girl...

Last night we indulged in restaurant hopping... this is where you go to a different place for each course...

so we had spicy noodles for the main course, but then as their pudding selection was rubbish we went off to an american style diner for our afters... Here an array of milkshakes, sundaes and waffles were presented to us...

Having filled ourselves to the point where our weight caused the ground to shake and ripple every time we took a step, it was then off to the pub... for a drink and a catch up with the lovely Steph

The concoction that Dan has in front of him is a peanut butter and jelly milkshake... bizarre, but it made him happy : )

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