Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj


Today was a Monday of most Monday-like proportions and, true to Sod's Law, I broke a nail. Dag nabbit! They looked really good and it took me 6 goes over the weekend to get the crackle effect stuff to work. Sigh.

How did this happen? As I was having a bad day the photocopier, of course, decided to troll me.

It went something like this...

Photocopier - I'm out of staples!

Me - Ok. I'll put more in. (Manages to refill the staples despite the cryptic pictogram instructions)

Photocopier - (Print, print, print) I'm out of staples!

Me - No you're not. I just put some in. (Wiggles staple holder thing to make sure)

Photocopier - (Print, print, print) I'm out of staples!

Me - No you're not. I just put some in. (Wiggles staple holder thing, more emphatically this time, to make sure)

Photocopier - JAM! There's a jam in my gubbins! There's paper jammed in there!

Me - Ok. (opens up indicated area of jam. No paper jam apparent) No there isn't.

Photocopier - JAM! There's a definitely a jam in my gubbins!

Me - No there flipping well isn't! (opens indicated area again and then closes is with an almighty bang)

Photocopier - Ooh! I love a domineering woman. Ok, I'm not jammed after all. (Print, print, print) I'm out of staples!

Me - Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

BTW - Back blips for the last few weeks are to follow.

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