Photos in A Major

By A

Go west....

Not a Pet Shop Boys tribute, but a visit to west of the Wabash, I haven't wandered over the bridge before so I thought it was time to explore. West Lafayette is essentially all Purdue University, so I had to have a beer in a Uni bar. Sticky floors, loud music, and people checking ID on the way in and at the bar.

I have found one of the advantages of age is that you walk past these ID guys and they don't even raise an eyebrow! The disadvantages are that once inside you now realise that maybe you didn't want to come in!

Fortunately for me it was a special night (I had the feeling that if dollars are invoilved, every night is a special night) and Millar was $1 a bottle. Well it's better than Bud! Ended up chatting to a ex-Navy cook, who is now a student at Purdue who explained that the students are still getting ripped off as they bars are buying this beer at 75c a bottle and making 25c mark up on every transaction. I couldn't help thinking that this was probably the cheepest beer I have ever bought (including at the supermarket) and that the bar was welcome to the mark up!

Am very excited about tomorrow evening, I think I have been fixed up with tickets to an event...more tomorrow

PS For Lafayette officionados (Hi Greg!) the picture is not the University, it's the town hall I believe!

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