For the family

By RonaMac

Back to Burghley House

We called in by expecting to have a cup of coffee, but the Orangery was closed. Should have looked more closely at the sign when we were there last Friday!!

Some of the deer had returned and a few of the boys were grazing close to the house.

We headed on in to Stamford and had a coffee at the George Hotel. Very old upmarket venue, unfortunately I had left the camera in the car so couldn't use it as a source for today's blip!

Continuing with the run of "changes of plan" I got a phone call on the way home cancelling our trip to Worcestershire tomorrow. Due to infection at the rehab unit where G'dad is staying, the new home won't take him until there is an "all clear". He hasn't got the bug fortunately, but a bit fed up waiting to move.

I'm relieved to have a spare day tomorrow, but will have to find a day next week to do what had been planned for tomorrow.

Furniture restoration tonight....the sewing box is progressing well....will be able to blip it soon!!

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