Today I revisited one of my strange but interesting modes of photography - good for wintry afternoons. This image has not been edited other than cropping. To get this result you need a polarised source of light and also a polarising filter on the camera. I used a desk lamp laid on its side with my large circular polariser in front of it and the other on my camera. It only works with certain plastics - the cheaper the better it seems! As you twiddle the camera filter, the colours and patterns change - great fun! This is a small half pint measuring jug which I use for cooking. Its been in the dishwasher a zillion times so is all scratched and slightly opaque - which made for the lovely crackly distressed look!
- 0
- 0
- Nikon D7000
- 1/100
- f/6.3
- 80mm
- 400
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