Country File

By marypot

Party on dudes

And the celebrations just keep on coming!

Firstly, THANK YOU VERY MUCH to everyone who stopped by to look at and/or comment on my 200th Blip yesterday. It was a bit overwhelming! It's tinged with a bit of sadness since Hubby has decided to stop blipping for a while. It's something I've really enjoyed having as a shared project, but hopefully he'll still be posting now and again.

Wonderful day today. I held a little tea party for Grace's birthday. We wanted to keep her actual birthday for family only, but still wanted to celebrate with Grace's friends too. A group of us meet every Thursday at someone's house or at a cafe, so today it seemed natural I hosted. It meant making another birthday cake (not quite as complicated as the first one, but as you can see Grace was fairly eager to grab a piece when she was supposed to be blowing out the candle!) and doing some more baking: pink cupcakes and butterfly cakes, muffin pizzas, pepper and mascarpone vol au vents, cheesey scones and a ginger and dark chocolate tray bake that I kind of made up as I realised at the last minute that I didn't have many of the ingredients for the recipe I'd planned to make! Two of my friends brought more food too: yummy chocolate cake and a home made pizza.

Was great seeing all the little ones playing beside each other. It was the last time we'll see one of the gang and her little girl as they are moving up to the Highlands next week. A great way to say goodbye though. Had so much fun today.

So now that's the birthday celebrations over. Next up is my niece's baby's naming ceremony on Sunday. Love it!

Quiet night tonight as I'm tired out. Will catch up with you good people tomorrow. Off to catch up on some TV and eat lots of pink cake.

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