
By QuerkyPoo


After the September earthquake I had to get rid of all my birds - I had no water to feed them - since then I've got a few back and this is a young Fantail I bred this summer. She will grace the show-ring this year - No I dont fly them I show them.

Today was mucking out and sorting birds for going into winter and the usual round of shows.

Mrs. Poo and I have this discussion about breeding to a Standard. (for showing purposes)
She says its a man made standard and we shouldnt be trying to breed the perfect bird. She'll look at a bird and say " thats a nice one " but poo will say - yes but it doesnt meet the standard and it'll be no good in the show-ring !!!

Ha!! - Dogs, cats, horses, birds - are all bred to a standard for showing purposes. I bet this'll be a 50/50 - some will agree & some wont agree.

At least one things for sure there are two sides to a coin !!

rgds pooba.

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