Severn Bridge Fog
Strange day today travelling to work in the fog, and then when I left for home around 20:30 there were some thick patches of fog all along the route.
Road works are getting ridiculous, now on the journey between Newport and Worcester, there are works through Monmouth, the as you pass Monmouth going into England you hit more road works. Then when you get to Ross on Wye, guess what yes more road works. As you pass them you have a good few miles before you get on the M50 site, which will be down to one lane until next spring!
Even if I go up the M4 across this wonderful bridge and up the M5 as you can see in this picture ROADWORKS and don't even start me on the M5 lol
Very bizarre thing just happened, as I was typing this out Mityblues just texted me saying how much the road works were a pain in the @rse!!
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