Picaday Anyday

By Picaday


Welcome if this is your first time browsing my journal. I'm new so I do apologize for the lack of photos as yet! But this Blip thing is "blipping" addictive!!!
If you happened to click on my journal yesterday you would have learned that I have just taken possession of my first 6 sheep. We had sheep and other animals, some crops and an 'iron horse' when I was growing up but I am so excited that these are mine!
I chose 5 Shetland sheep and my fab sister bought me an early birthday present of a Cheviot sheep for my birthday.
Unfortunately when the man with the sheep van and dog arrived to take some sheep off a park yesterday he said the Cheviot sheep was not looking well and I'd be best to keep an eye on her. As Shetland sheep are hardy and almost never have a shelter or shed to lie in or against all I could do was pray, and I'm not ashamed to say I did!!
I didn't sleep a wink. Not one little blink, then got up at about 7.00am and headed off to the park. There was my darling Cheviot Sjovah, waiting for her pellets.......and I'm sure she had the hint of a smile on her face!!
I didn't get quite such a good photo of her today so I am leaving you with a photo of my little Agnah, who melts my heart! They all do. I'm just one big fleecy emotional wreck right now!! ha ha
I will try for a better pic of Sjovah tomorrow. She is stunning.

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