My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Hanging around

Another week, another trip to New Cross. I'm starting to feel like I have a part time job there. Today was a pill for Laura to take and then 4 hours later a scan, so 4 hours to kill in Wolverhampton...

After aimlessly wandering round the shops and grabbing some lunch, and tempted as I was to blip a street full of 'shop to let' signs, we decided to check out Wolverhampton art gallery.
...Yes I know, Wolverhampton art gallery...
and that's where we saw this sculpture made up entirely of wire coat-hangers, Likeness Guaranteed by David Mach.

To be honest the art gallery has a fair bit of interesting stuff and the attendant informed us that this piece was made by using a wax mould, then pushing the hangers into it before melting the wax out of it, easy when you know how apparently.

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