Snow Day

...well this is what a snow day looks like where we live anyway.

The kids were out and running in it before 8 this morning. It was beautiful about 2 a.m., by this morning it had already started raining and melting away. The wind is now howling and sleet is falling.

The kids are both warming up in a bath and coloring the walls with bathtub crayons :)

The big dog, Boone, is quite used to his new cage that will be used after his surgery. Mind you it is 5' x 4' x 4'...hardly a cage at all. For obvious reasons, we have nicknamed him "Dollar." :)

And most importantly, a huge Happy Birthday to M today. Love you buddy.

To those of you interested in the PacNW Blipmeet, I added possible dates and website info last night!

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