A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins


Altana...or Terrazza.....these the names the venitians usually call these terraces on top of roofs!

I just love them...i think that those flats that have one (and u can find a lot of them around the town) are the luckiest!...to have such a nice place to enjoy the sun and the view of Venice from the roofs!
A position and relative flat with light....are another lucky point....cos most of the flats end up looking in a calle, narrow and with no much light!

So...the day you'll visit Venice...don't forget to turn your head up to spot these "altane"....some of them are really nicely decorated with flowers and they are part of very lovely building!

This is one is not one of the most charming...(i liked the colourful lamps all around;-D) ...but i won't miss to blip more in future!:)

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