
By wayfarer

Budding Genius

Okay, that's a complete exaggeration but I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. Our house is cluttered - not piles of newspapers six feet high or five month old pizza carton cluttered but we are getting there.
Marianne misplaced her light meters several months ago and a thorough search of house and loft failed to turn it up. We had one more go today - I went up into the loft, which really is a mess and, after going through all the usual places, I came across a bin bag marked "Lenses". I looked inside and there were her two light meters, old lenses and a sigma f2.8 105mm macro. Neither of us remember having the lens but we brought it down, along with the other ones and cleaned them up. As Marianne has a macro lens already, I guess this is mine to play with so I tried a few quick shots. Crikey - it's difficult! I'm going to have to get the tripod out but not today as ironing and paperwork wait for no man, especially when his wife tuts every time she looks at the laundry basket.

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