Brain injury awareness month

I made 200 ribbons last night for my nephew's wake and funeral .
He succumbed to a brain injury on Saturday.

Happy birthday to my sister Claire:)

We had a horrible experience last night. I had just gone to bed and heard which I thought was a knock at the door. I got up and Dan saw some kids running down the street . Once is not the end of the world but it kept on going . Second knock .. they escaped in a van . Third knock , Dan gets his coat on and walks around the neighbourhood .. he sees the van and tries to remember the license plate .. by now I'm freaking out .. the punk are yelling obscenities and telling Dan .. you better sleep with your eyes opened tonight . I don't know the number of the police station so I call 911.. tons of questions ..she says she will contact the police .. she says to call back if they come back .. I called twice again cause they wouldn't stop and were throwing snowballs at the door . It took about 45 minutes before the cops showed up .. according to the lady on 911 they were busy with other things .. finally they show up and we tell them the story .. they will be patrolling the area for 15 minutes .. so reassuring .. we haven't heard anything from them yet and I don't think we will .. It was probably a prank but it sure was scary . I'm always scared of sleeping in my house alone ... now it will be a nightmare !!

Hope your week has been better than mine .

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