The high road

By Travellersjoy

I Can See You!

Down to the Harbour for my lunch time break, all looked very quiet, under a blanket of grey clouds! I saw the heron fly onto a fishing boat, followed by a second one! They wandered about the boat, looking for bits of fish and pulling the odd one out of the rolled up nets! This one was keeping an eye on me too, I thought he or she ( do they have different markings?) looked quite cheeky peering around the nets, I really wanted a colourful blip to brighten up a grey day!
I often see a seal in the harbour but today there were two, spring is definitely in the air! It's lovely to hear them breathing when they surface.
This Saturday is Paddy's day and as it falls at the weekend, I expect there will be a few visitors around, so I was doing a bit of extra ordering as I'm hoping we will be busy in the shop, it's been a tough winter financially, but we are still here!!!!!

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