Capital adventures

By marchmont

3rd teeth

Baby teeth, second teeth, today I got 2 'third' teeth. Inside the bag, what is is a bit too personal to blip - the model of my mouth, upper and lower. 2 more teeth, yippee (we'll draw a veil over the cost).

Elsewhere in my life - internet problems resolved although there is still a lot of rice around. A lunchtime discussion about relationships that need to be resolved and improved. A failed attempt at O2 to solve the 'phone memory full' problem (I never had any of these problems before technology invaded my life) then a cake at Geno's on the way home.

I had no tea so sang on an empty stomach. Think it made my voice a bit croaky.

So now I've just had coley and chips and I'm watching 'Roger and Val Just Got In'. That's Wednesday for you.

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