
By HoldingValour

In The bginning

Well today marks a special day, this is my first ever blog! Ill admit I've never considered doing a blog before, but due to a recent fascination and some unspoken persuasion I have decided to join the revolution!

So my names Chris, and there's me in the picture! always worth showing your face early, so where o I begin, I'm your average person, living with an average family, living the average life. There's been interesting moments, boring moments and of course weird moments, I could sit on here and write about my life's past but I would be here for hours and most of you would get bored.

So today I'm going to start with my week so far, it's been quite an interesting week so far, I work for a large DIY company as a kitchen seller, but have decided to take the leap to management, this is a decision I'm beginning to feel I'm regretting, not because it not something I want to do, but the stress appears to be mounting at an alarming rate.

Where I work we have a simple way of training, we buddy with our department manager, learn, divulge and eventually move onto our new role, however because this is my life things don't work like that, as of two weeks ago my manager went missing, this has resulted in me taking all responsibility of an entire department, with everyone beginning to look at me as though I'm the person who has pushed out the manager we all know and deeply miss. Were assured he will be back, but I'm not so sure...

But for today's antics, I wake up for my days work, awoken by the alluring smell of dog breath as my 17 year old jack Russell has decided to snuggle in my duvet, with that episode over and work has begun the day goes on and on, until lunchtime not much has happened (aside the crazy toilet seat lady) until I decide I want to go home for lunch, at which point whilst travelling home, some lovely children throw stones at my window from a bridge, resulting in a broken windscreen, a few swear words and some pounds out my pocket, not the best day so far.

Upon returning to work I'm met with a mini revolt, two of my colleagues fighting each other, this was fun to stop, so onto my evening, work is the last thin I want on my mind right now, Not much has happened tonight, I've had a nice conversation with someone, a bad conversation with another, a little bit of prep talking and some moments but other than that your average night.

I think I'll leave this blog here for today; it's been nice to resolve some issues in my mind, writing them down seems to help nicely; I'll look forward to keeping this blogging going!

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