putting out fires

what a day.

woke up early to bring little lulu to the vet to get her blood drawn. ended up leaving her with the vet because her liver enzymes (ALT) were high. she ended up getting a bile acid test to be sent off to determine if she has a liver shunt causing her seizures since she seems to be so well fed (overfed these days...).

as i pulled up in my driveway, sebastian, our yard guy, comes running up to me explaining that there is a tree that fell on our roof in the backyard. surely i would have noticed/heard a huge oak tree falling on the roof.

no. no, i did not. but no damage/water leaking inside... yet.

sebastian also tells me that my dad's driver's side window has been completely down -- apparently since last wednesday. and it has rained buckets and buckets every day since then. the smell is terrible.

oh, and his car battery is dead.

and something has died several times over in the refrigerator.

extinguishing little fires one at a time. have at you!

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