
By Livra

Cycle in vain

This morning got a lot of housework done and general tidying up and going through correspondence.

This afternoon decided to go out on the bike. It turned out to be a shorter cycle than I intended. Firstly it was colder than I had anticipated so could have done with another layer. Secondly forgot that last time I was out decided the tyres needed pumping up. Because of this decided to change direction by following Renfrewshire Council's helpful signs to change to cycle path where I thought it would be more sheltered.

I followed the signs but some seemed to be missing, picked up signs again - this happened a few times. Finally they led me into a recycling area with lots of lorries. Gave up and took my own route home which did take me home! So my trusty bike is today's blip.

Tyres now pumped up ready for next trip out, washing taken in, nice cup of tea.

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