Giving this a go...

By Debiives

lonely daff

I spotted this the other day and thought it looked funny so when I saw it was still the only daffodil out in a huge patch of them I thougth I'd blip it. Cameron is off sick today, hopefully the same bug that Andrew had last week and not a new one that Andrew will then catch as well. He's an easy patient, very quiet and happy to slob on the sofa. He wasn't up for doing anything so has watched the Chelsea game from last night, a film and some kids telly (although he wasn't really watching that I don't think). I did drag him out for a 20 min walk since it was so lovely out but he wasn't exactly running along.
He'll be off again tomorrow but had better be better by Saturday as we're going away from the weekend.
Hopefully me being off today hasn't caused too many problems at work, don't know yet who'll stay off with him tomorrow.

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