La vida de Annie

By Annie

Ides of March

After posting my chilling out pic yesterday I got a panic call from friend S asking if I still had my wheelchair. Her disabled mother had come to stay and S had booked tickets for the ballet; her mum had a "wheelchair seat" which is a space at the back in the Empire Theatre. Unfortunately her husband had swapped cars that day and had driven to work with the wheelchair in the boot, and the disabled sticker on the windscreen. It sounded like he would be in deep sh*t later in the day. Luckily I did still have the chair, so she came to pick it up, and by way of thanks, took me with them for lunch followed by Swan Lake at the theatre - she managed to get another seat on the same row for me, which was lucky as the matinee performance was packed out. I'm ashamed to admit it, but at my great age I've never watched a live ballet performance before, although all the music is well-known. I was spellbound.

Today I was expecting an uneventful day but friend R texted while I was still in bed, suggesting a trip to the National Wildflower Centre. My policy nowadays is to never refuse an invitation to do something, anything, so I agreed. It's another place I've never seen before, and although not a lot was growing just yet, was still interesting and would be quite spectacular in a month or so. It's set within the old walled garden of Gladstone's residence, and the walls have had some crafty embellishment.

Tomorrow I will have a chillout day.

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