yet another day

By yetanotherday

Sun, Parent's Evening, Cats....

I hope you all enjoyed the sun today. I managed to spend a few hours tiding up the garden and it's not looking too bad at the moment. Time in the garden was cut short by having to go to Parent's Evening....

My son is in Year 9, so taking his GCSE options this year. His favourite subjects are Maths and Art, but he told both teachers that he wasn't entirely happy with how he is doing, (these are subjects that he is predicted to get A*'s in). His Art teacher did threaten to hang, draw and quarter him if he doesn't do Fine Art, luckily it's top of his list. I just wish that he wouldn't worry so much.

Both cats are asleep on the settee this evening, I wish I could sleep that easily. Night night.

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