Feb 2012 Onwards

By Jfort

It's Fast Approaching That Festival Time of Year

I'm thinking this photo shoot was for EIF who launched their programme this week which is all about Dance, but not certain as didn't have the time to find out, a rushed shot but a not to be missed pose!
Festival is just around the corner, even more so for us staff at the EIFF, the office is a hive of activity, more staff appearing each week, people up and down to London, submissions working their asses off to get through all the processing, oh yeah and the firs bit of BIG and GOOD news, Brave is our Closing Night Film!! Whoop!
Meanwhile out of work the study is coming to an end, final written exam looms and the light is at the end of the tunnel, here's hoping early mornings and no social life reaps it's rewards! I should have more time to think about Blips too, yey!
Ok I'm babbling now....bed me thinks....ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

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