Pictures From An Exhibition

The long awaited visit to the Klimt Exhibition started, for me, with a nice big fly in my smoothie from the tate cafe...bleaugh bleaugh bleaugh got our money back for that one.
The exhibition was wonderful, marred by too many people and being put , strangely on the ground floor and then the 4th floor ...overcrowded, overheated and badly lit it couldn't detract from Klimt's genius ... I was surprised at the subtlety of colour, it can't be reproduced satisfactorily in books or post cards.
Next up The Slavery Museum which I half expected to be Brit Bashing and aplogetic... not a bit of it! It was full of information and interest and horror. An excellent Museum and I thoroughly recommend it. AND you can take pictures

Whilst there, for some reason, NBC was there doing a live stream about the weather and a tiny bit about the museum to camera, fasciinating stuff..
We were all suitably knackered after that one ... we then took Shed Monkey to her next destination and couldn't get onto the M62 some horrific accident caused it to be shut from the beginning to junction 6...and so began a nightmare journey which I shant talk about but ended in fits of giggles watching Shy make tea in a suacepan and use a colander to strain the tea leaves

Good Bye Shed monkey :(
when we got home a little fairy had bought the book from the photographic exhibition ...well chuffed we were
Thanks Shedders :))

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