Cornish Times

By David1970

Sun In Splendour

Do you ever get one of those days where you notice a change in the season? Today was one of those days. Today, walking through the leafy side streets of Notting Hill, there was a whiff of Spring in the air. The flowers were out, adding a splash of colour to the urban scenery; the Sun was warm and West London seemed altogether sun-kissed. There was a positive vibe about the place and it seemed there were less overcoats and more open-necked shirts and cravats (it was Notting Hill, afterall).

I saw this pub on the junction between Portobello Road and Pembridge Road on the way to Notting Hill Gate. Very swish. It encapsulates the day. Before you ask, I didn't pop in for a swift half as it is Notting Hill and I didn't fancy having to sell the car to afford the pleasure.

Anyway, I hope I haven't spoken too soon in regards to the weather - you know how things are. Maybe tomorrow it'll be -3?C and I'd have lost three fingers to frostbite because, let's face it, the British weather has a way of turning round and biting you on the bum ?

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