The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox


Love these happy flowers...

One door opens, another shuts behind
One sun sets and another sun she rises
Love comes to you in old familiar ways
Love comes to you in shadows and disguises
(Richard Thompson)

In other news, I met Anna (from Georgia, America) for a walk up to Pen Dinas - first time I've been up in ages... was wonderful to just chat... Friends are amazing...

Was invited to Matt's house for dinner :) Had stuffed peppers, pasta and salad - mmm, so good! I REALLY need to go food shopping, so that might be a job for tomorrow morning... along with washing...

Watched TV, chatted to Alison and Jenny and crotched my hat!! :P (see backblips)

Finally spent the evening searching for a mouse, which we eventually found behind the fridge... spent ages trying to fill up the holes and now have loads of splinters in my fingers :( Bad times...

Now for sleep?

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