Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Olympic Park

Had a nice day at work today. Without cake, but still a nice day. I noticed that I do not have to be afraid of not getting enough affection while I am at the other side of the world. I at least get ten hugs a day and maybe a kiss or two. The children here are really sweet. They always great you and say: 'hello teacher', 'good morning teacher', 'good afternoon teacher', 'goodbye teacher'. Occasionally I will get a 'hello beautiful girl'. But there are also a lot of hugs involved, which is great because I love hugging. Especially those little ones. It is weird though sometimes.. because I am not always sure if they want to hug me and maybe give me a kiss, or if they want to bite me :P So safety measures are taken in to account.

After work today we went straight to the subwaystation to go to the Olympic Park were Kaho and I met up with Beth. We walked the grounds were the athletes and probably a lot of tourists have walked before us. It was amazing to see the park at night with its beautiful lights. It was even more amazing to see so much open space in this big city. Beijing is always crowded, or always feels that way to me. So the feeling of openness and space was a little bit weird.
We walked around for about an hour and then walked back to another subwaystation. We walked towards the south and saw a lot of people doing exercises on the street. It is really weird to watch this. People jumping rops, waving their vans, banging their drums, dancing. We even saw a few men painting Chinese characters on the floor, with water. That was truly an amazing site.
We came across a lake as well and just sat there for a while. Talking about the friends we made here and how easy it is to make friends. Just enjoying our Beijing life so far.

One more thing: today my boyfriend received his Masters Degree. So I want to use this to (again) congratulate him on this amazing accomplishment. I am very proud ^^

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