Auspicious Day (for some of us)
The new iPad is released today. Not that I am getting one/need one/want one. Just sayin' !
Oh, and I've booked my Genius appointment at the Apple store in Glasgow for next week. (BTW that's what Apple call it - it's NOT an assumption I make!). Need to find out why I can't download photos straight to my First Gen iPad. But I will be able to see the new ones. And touch them. Just lookin' !
While browsing the iPad, abed, with cuppa, I thought I'd share this with you. It's a hilarious article about the recent revelations of Bill Roache (aka Ken Barlow. Coronation Street. Ring a bell?) The comments are great too.
It's great to start the day being amused. While still in bed. It might be the high point of the day...
After reading up a bit more about milk and the removal of it from one's diet (and lynnmac2's comment) I'm back to porridge with milk! Whole milk is SO nice, I always thought that wishy-washy skimmed milk MUST be better for you. Anyway, at my age, if you can't have a few treats, what's the point? And I'm not (necessarily) talking about iPads...
I think the lurgy that afflicted JR earlier in the week has caught up with me. Bit of a cough and sleepless night. So I decided on an indoors day. But hey! Cinemas are indoors, so I went to see a film set in India, and funnily enough was about a hotel owner, but was much better than the Marigold romp.
Popped into a well known hostelry for today's pic. Just for the photo - it was still the am! It reminded me of an article complaining about the smoking ban - one of the downsides of no smoke fug now, is that you get all the other smells that you didn't notice before - beer sodden carpets, toilets and BO. Well, while they're not pleasant, you won't die from those pongs!
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