this blip roughly sums up my day,
a last min trip to truro,
as gramps landed himself in hospital,
we went early but visiting wasn't till 2,
so we went to town, to browse the shops,
buy me a ballerina doll,
who I adore,
and have the most important!
I ate all mine up, then ate most mummy's.
I walked all day today,
so mummy and daddy are finally,
going to throw out my pushchair,
when it was finally time to go treliske,
it turned out gramps was being discharged,
so we went to his house instead for couple hours,
we finally got home round quarter past 4,
were I am watching my new wiggles DVD,
auntie zoe sent me down, whilst eating more food!!
Its been a busy day, but fun :)

gorgeous viewed large

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