Beyond the Tea Station

By tabardedtealady

Club Shamrock

Tonight I was baking scones and shortbread in preparation for the High Tea that I am putting together for mothers day this weekend and realised that tomorrow is St Patrick's Day.

So as well as pulling out my heart shaped cookie cutter, I also pulled out another shaped cookie cutter as well.

Now, I am someone, that from day dot on the planet (well from as far back as I can remember!) has always had a Shillelagh somewhere in the house. We lived in Northern Ireland for 2 years when I was just over a year old and I can remember having this lucky charm fixed to the wall and it stayed with us for years and placed in all of our houses. I even have one today in my own home, exactly the same as the one I grew up with. It was the blackthorn mallet shape with a shamrock on one of the flat mallet sides.

So you'd think living with a Shillelagh for years, looking at it day after day, I would know by now what a shamrock looked like?!

Apparently I don't! I took out my club shaped cookie cutter thinking it was exactly the same shape as a shamrock, it wasn't until the shortbread was baking in the oven that I realised....


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