
By Severnstar

Festival of Light and Greed

Well it looks prettier lit up at night, as it looks less like a sinister navy vessel looking for pirates and submarines than it does in the day.

The quayside was covered in people who had come to see it. It had a jolly sign on the gangway saying it was a private vessel and absolutely no one was allowed on it and a changing selection of security guards standing on the dock. Even so, not sure I would want to leave it hanging around by Saturday night given how 'lively' the area sometimes gets down by the Watershed and docks in the late night/early hours. I was walking around one Sunday morning and stood in something sticky, only to look down and find it was a large pool of drying human blood. I spotted a crime team nearby further along the blood trail. Someone had been stabbed with a broken bottle I think, if I got the right news report. This area is very nice and quiet in the daytime and weekday evenings, if anyone is thinking of visiting.

I cant decide if the underwater lights are for just for trying to get peoples attention, for swimming by in more exotic waters, or if they are security lights to stop people doing things like sticking mines on it. I have to say that the lights do successfully manage to make even Bristol harbour water look appealing for swimming in, which is quite a stunning achievement.

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