Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Mickey again at the University clinic Utrecht (NL)

Mickey got anesthesia during the CT-scan and the vet Yvonne took some blood when she was sleeping. The other vet Nico took some photos of / during the CT-scan and will send them to me later on.
After the scan / anesthesia she was again breathing very heavily so she has to go in the oxygen cage for a while. She was also having troubles because of the tube she had in her throat.. That was not fun to see... She had slime in her nose and you saw her air sac moving too, never seen that before and it was scary. But that was over in about half an hour, thank God.

The CT-scan told them that Mickey has an enormous fungus infection in her lungs. As you all know has Mickey cushings disease and this disease has effect on her immune system so that she is more sensitive for infections. Both vets told me the can't give me a prognoses.. With humans it can take months to cure such an infection, with birds it will be faster than that, but.. Because of the cushing they can't tell me if she will react good on the medicine and can be healed. Mickey was already treated for fungus with terbinafine as I told you, and we will continue this but she will have to get more twice per day (about 0.19 ml). The vet will call with the pharmacy coming Monday to ask about another - quite new - medicine which is called voriconazol (which is more expensive too!) and if this can be combined with the terbinafine. Because of the fact that voriconazol is quite new, it is more possible that there is no resistance for it (hope you all know what I mean).

So her bad eating Behaviour is probably the result from this fungus infection.

I have to start with the cushings medicine again, because of making her immunesystem a bit stronger.
Both vets are 100% sure that Mickey deserve a change because she is a very strong birdie and also a fighter. I am the only one who can see how Mickey is doing and if it is life worthy. Now it still is! But it is very difficult, because I also know that she can't be cured from the cushings disease..
Trying to get some sleep now...

Photo: on the left dr. Yvonne van Zeeland, me in the middle and on the right dr Nico Schoemaker.

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