Whooo are you looking at?

Today I decided to go in search of this little owl with my swanky new lens in tow. I photographed him or one of his close family back in July last year for my numbered bird blips - (No 91). I scanned the location but could't see him, so I decided to sit tight and keep watch. After a while, someone arrived nearby and set up a camera and began photographing like fury! He could obviously see what I couldn't. To cut a long story short, it turned out to be someone I'd been communication with for a while via Flickr, but had never met until today. I'd like to thank him for his remarkable patience in showing me where the owl was despite my hopeless inability to pick it out amongst the branches, until I eventually saw it - watching us from this fork in the branches.
This one is for you, Chris. Hope you like it!

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