same place different spots same Alice as this very date last year

things that happened today...

1. I was in the process of emptying out the old flowers and their stinking water. I had got as far as putting the old flowers in the bin when I (inevitably) got distracted and left the glass jug full of old smelly stagnant cloudy flower water on the table. Next I heard Chris urgently asking Rudy what he was doing. Rudy was satiating his desperate thirst straight from the jug. Use a glass next time Ruds.

2. I did nothing (yet) in preparation for going away tomorrow.

3. We decided to make the most of the beautiful weather and headed out to the park. Alice took one step out of the buggy straight into a shitey f****** shitey dog shite. Shite.

4. We had a very lovely unexpected coffee catch up with two of our very dear friends.

5. Alice got her hair washed

oh oh oh oh


6. A tooth wobbled. The first tooth that appeared in Rudy's mouth is now making its way to being the first to exit. I have told him that it better not bloody happen while I am away or the mum guilt will be tremendous.

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