My 12K 10K

I ran in a charity 10k race today which I found pretty tough.

I use one of these nano nike plus things that tells you you're too fat and should have trained etc while you run.

Anyway - I know they can sometimes not be calibrated exactly right but I was a bit let down when I ran today to have someone in my ear saying "400m to go" as I appraoch the 8km mark.

Anyway - managed the race in 55mins - but checking my nikeplus it says I did 12K. The race organiser did say it was "a bit more than 10k this year".

Anyway -with a training schedule that included one 10k practice run 4 weeks ago, one stag night, one pie beans and gravy and one pint of guinesss last week - then I mustnt grumble.

Off for a soak.

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