A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Scammonden Bridge

We had a little jaunt over to Keighley this afternoon. went the scenic route on the way there, via Colne and through Haworth which involved what can only be decribed as a kamikaze death ride along a road barely wide enough for 1 car in parts, with stone walls jutting out and people in 4 by 4 roadhogging vehicles who had no concept of 'keeping to the left'. All of this was done to the soundtrack of Corin being positively gleeful and saying things such as 'woohoo' and 'weeeee'. At one point I must have involuntarily gripped the passenger side door handle - he asked if I was hanging on - I had white knuckles.

So the journey home was via the more sedate and sensible route including Halifax and then the M62. Speed cameras - over 25 of them from Keighley to the M62 which was about 13 miles!

Anyway, as I was in the passenger seat, I snapped the Scammonden Bridge as we went under it. Its not a great photo, but its a bloody fabulous bridge - 120 ft above the motorway, span of 410 foot, with the deck being 660 ft (gosh I'm a nerd!)

Back to work tomorrow. Spent the evening prepping briefing documents for the rest of the senior team for an 8 am meeting (seeing as most of them were on holiday for the most significant set of GCSE results we have ever had!). Am looking forward to it because it will be a positive start to the year. Who knows how long the positivity will last though.

On a side note, for those who read Friday's entry, James went to his Dad's today so I won't see him till Friday. He was very brave and didn't cry, even though he was on the edge of it. I however shut the front door then went upstairs, buried my head in his blanket and cried. Am feeling OK at the moment though....watch this space I guess.

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