Saturday Superstars

My boys, that is! Turns out Ben got Star of the Week again at swimming last week, how proud am I! And Charley did brilliantly again today as well. He's learning the "ready go" words, ready for going underwater, and only complains about going under if you mis-time it and he's not ready and gets water up his nose :) He's even getting used to getting out and dry, and once I'd got him mostly dry he was happy to lie wrapped in his towel while I got dry and dressed. (Talking about "ready go", he also knows the "ready up!" words and stiffens up ready to be kinda pulled into a sitting or standing position!)

Been at a mini-conference for some of today and Charley was the perfect baby really - slept most of the talky bits, and woke up for lunch. Good baby :)

And my brother and his wife arrived mid afternoon much to Ben's delight! No more room at the inn now. Been a while since we've had this many people sleeping under our roof at any one time. Good job Ben prefers our bed at the moment!!

Charley had his first decent back wrap carry this afternoon in the Ella, he seemed to like it - until he wanted to go to sleep. He just wasn't in the mood to snuggle in to me, and cried. :-( Some tweaking required, evidently. And it definitely needs somebody to help with the wrapping!

Today's cake was Rainbow Herman cupcakes. Rainbow Herman! I was inspired by a friend who made rainbow cupcakes today. I needed more cake (this is the only problem with 10 portions of cake and custard for pudding over two days - uses a lot of cake!) and thought I'd give it a go. I think they were pretty good for a first attempt! The photo is of the mini-Hermans. They are pink with white chocolate chips and a fresh raspberry centre. They are tiny morsels of pure fruity cakey chocolatey gorgeousness and it's a good job they have been baked in proper paper cases rather than silicone moulds because the act of unwrapping them means I won't eat all of them in 20 minutes flat. The photograph isn't great I know but I've been inspired by someone I've started following on Instagram, Tomocorori. Whoever this person is, they take photographs of their food throughout the day. And it's ALWAYS beautifully presented and photographed and I'm taking careful note!

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