
Busy day, starting off by watching my friends' son play football for his school team. It was a hard fought and closely contested 10-1 victory, and he scored six of them. Yes, six, that's a double hat-trick in my book. Well done that boy I say, long may his silky skills continue.

And ending up with a Saturday night out for movie and curry. The film choice was selected primarily because it was in the right place at the right time and we had some free tickets to use up anyway. Turned out to be a great selection. But how the The Woman In Black ended up with a 12A certificate I will never know, I was jumping in my seat constantly and there are some seriously scary bits in there. Don't take your kids, they'll have nightmares for weeks.

Bit of music to close. I've listened to this song more than any other over the last week and have had to be told off several times for singing it around the house loudly and usually without warning. It's absolutely stunning. I'm becoming obsessed.

"I've placed the Gods in a zip-lock bag
I've put them in a drawer
They've refused my prayers for the umpteenth time
So I'm evening up the score"

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