The solution to the forgetting-to-leave-enough-time-for-a-decent-walk-at-lunchtime and the feeling-compelled-to-pop-out-for-extra-exercise-in-the-evening thing does seem to have been quite effectively solved by popping out for shopping at lunchtime, reducing the number of times when I feel I need to pop out for combined exercise/shopping in the evening when I ought to be trying to get to sleep, or at least when I ought to be rewrapping my handlebars after adjusting them again. This lunchtime's shop-pop brought me out here in rain almost too light to be so called. Fortunately there was still space in my bag on the way home later to fit in a pair of falafel wraps, acquired as always from Palmyra, where I might finally have been recognised despite being a repeat-sporadic rather than regular customer.
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