Journey forward

By Popsicle

Apprenticeship Contract 1879

My blip today is of the original contract document in respect of Hilary's maternal great grandfather's apprenticeship as a Plumber and Gas Fitter in Port Elizabeth in 1879 when he was 16 years old. The two-paged double sided handwritten document itself has not aged too well, having fallen apart on the fold lines, but the text is still perfectly clear. The document has a one shilling Cape of Good Hope revenue stamp cancelled on 21 July 1879, as well as the Notary's wax seal.

A few years back I transcribed the text, and below are parts that I find interesting and which make enjoyable reading. The writer was obviously well spoken or it was the legal speak of those far off days:

Be it hereby made known, on this the fourth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine, before me Hugh Maynard Scrivenor, 'Notary Public', by lawful authority.................. Laurence Murrell a minor aged 16 years or learn the art or trade of a Plumber and Gas Fitter. The said Laurence Murrell doth hereby covenant and promise....................that he shall not spend, waste, embezzle any money goods or effects of his said Master................and he will keep the secrets of the said Master................that he will not play cards, dice or any unlawful games nor frequent taverns or public houses.
In consideration of the services so to be paid the following wages to wit: fifteen shillings per week during the first year............the sum of thirty three shillings per week during the fourth year.................. Thus done and passed at Port Elizabeth the day and month and year afore written in the presence of the witnesses................duly signed the original hereof now remaining in my Protocol.

We have always enjoyed this great piece of family history now 133 years on.

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