As others see me

I decided to go for a self-portrait today after seeing Exbeeb yesterday. So here you are - this is how I look today. Except it's only how I look to the camera and to other people. To me, inside, I'm still a good deal slimmer and younger. No grey hairs and I don't have glasses - I could have taken them off for this, I really don't need them all the time, but that wouldn't have been honest. The me I see from here is still adventurous and risk taking and up all night carousing until dawn. Of course most nights I'm in bed by 9 with a book and rubbish TV but that's not who I imagine I am - the camera cannot capture that, thank goodness! ;-)

The oven is on for the roast pork and I'll be baking some cauliflower and probably having some glazed carrots. I might even push the boat out and crack a bottle of wine - that'll be the first drink in a long time. Then I might go out and paint the town red until the early hours or, then again, hit the sack after Countryfile.

Enjoy your Sunday however you shape it.

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