Adventures of a Cov Kid

By AdyBlyth

Dog Walks and 21 Jump Street

Today has been the perfect chill out Sunday - after sleeping in till 1030am myself and Gemma got up and drove over to Birmingham to use our Cineworld unlimited passes to see 21 Jump Street which featured Jonah Hill and some chap called Channing Tatum who all the ladies seem to love.

The film was actually much better than I expected - well worth a watch if your looking for a chill out film to see.

After the movie we went to Gemma's house and picked her dog Turk up for a walk in Cofton Park.

He loved running round going mental as the picture shows.

Now the evening will be spent having a roast dinner and then getting set for a short 3 day week at work.

Not a bad weekend! I could happily do this every week. :)

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