The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Poop diddly pooped

What a lovely day!

Our 6am run was in the pouring rain...Lottie was super reluctant to go out but once we were running she didn't complain! We got saoked through but it was great fun, Pippa was skidding about through the wet grass retrieving her ball and did someawesome 360 spins! After some breakfast I went training, bit achy after yesterday but it was good to get everything moving. Second breakfast of the day and then I rang Mum and M-in-law to wish them happy M's day. And thank you for my flowers from the girls and Rags too! They are really beautiful, it's impressive that from Nepal you can hand pick them in Cornwall and get them delivered to our house!

I mooched into town to do some bits and bobs and after out FT catch up I took the girls down to the old railway track - it's a long time since we have been there! Pippa and I played with the ball and Lottie sniffed out the rabbits...this is Pippa at the end, she was totally pooped!! Now she is flat out on her bed, totally zonked! Next stop is tea for them, tea for me and some school work...then an early night, 9pm I think, ready for a 4.45am wake up as I want to fit in a slightly longer run before I walk the girls tomorrow.

In two weeks time we will be together and about to depart for our Everest Base Camp trek - YIPPEE!!!

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