Jelly Drops

Really difficult theme this weekend for the Weekend Blip Challenge. Jelly is the theme and I've never ever made it before so I was on real experimenting grounds. I pondered a trip over to Seaworld to photograph a jellyfish but the previous days rugby socialising put paid to any thoughts of driving so I had to bite the bullet, go over to Tesco and buy some Strawberry jelly and a few grapes and see what happened.

As jelly starts to set there is point which is almost still liquid but with a weightiness about it. So I thought it would be quite good to do something similar to waterdrops and let grapes fall from a height and see the patters that were created. It also helped that I treated my self to a few pocket wizards so I can be taking photos on high speed synch mode now to really get detail, think this one is at 1/1000th of a second!

Anyway this is my rather disappointing entry into this weeks Weekend Blip Challenge. An easier word next week please....

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