blink and miss

By boxgirl

Learning to make pizza like Granda.....

Had a nice family day today.

I didn't see much of my own children today as they were both working today, I guess they're just at that age where they're busy all the time... I saw them for long enough for them to give me their gifts and cards before rushing off... I even got a card from Sammy Dog and one from the cats!!

Spent most of the day with my own Mum... I still think of Mothers day being her day, not mines!
My oldest sister was visiting with her kids, they had phoned in advance to ask Granda if they could watch him make their pizza today, so he decided to let them make their own.
We are of Italian decent, we are gradually being watered down with a Scottish mix with each generation, so if they can at least make a pizza, I guess that's something!lol.
My generation was a generation of girls, I have 2 sisters and 5 female cousins who all carried the name Valente. 1 by 1 we have married and now the name will not pass on to our children. So the name of our very small family will soon be lost forever.... I have this name tattooed on a heart on my arm, just as a reminder that this is the family who have given me the strength to be who I am.... even though my name has changed, I will always be a Valente at heart...

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