
Es organised her brothers (well one of them at least) this morning and prepared a lovely Mother's Day breakfast for me.

It was quite amusing lying in bed and listening to the animated discussions about how it should be organised and accusations of people not helping...mainly the Rooster chastising Buncle & Fangler for not helping. They have square eyes & can't multi-task if the TV is on!

Regardless, they managed to pull it together and it was lovely. Lots of nice cards made for me too and a wee box of Green & Black miniature chocolates to boot...I'm a lucky Mammy:-)

Then a afternoon at a basketball game...Es was taking part in a school competition being played round the Glasgow Rocks game...while since we've done a basketball game...we should do it more often...they're fun. Sadly no win for The Rocks or Es today but St.Ninians were runner's up:-) & it was exciting.

All in a fab Sunday...pity it has to be followed by Monday...

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