Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Dollhouse stories

My mom likes dolls houses. I don't get it but she likes it and she is very good at doing them. She has done one and it is lovely and has just taken delivery of a new one.

Apparently my dad said she could not have one which in her words

'was like a red rag to a bull'

Went round this afternoon for mothers day and I perused the dolls house catalogues and found my blip for the day.

These are room settings so you can buy the doll and the furniture. Apparently it is a done thing for people to have a story for their house. Therefore the magazine have kindly provided some starter ideas.

My favourite is 'Naomi wonders if she can fit through the window in her dress'


Honestly it is well worth a look at the rest, they made me snigortle.

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