Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Jeremy Clarkson takes London

As promised, this is the man himself in a FB432 tank, hurtling across Tower Bridge at 10am this morning.

I got to the location early and joined the TV crew briefing (which proved initially to be unwise). We walked the route with the police, tank and supercar drivers and were advised to pick a spot on the bridge out of each other's sight line and stay there.

That's fine if you've got half a hundredweight of video camera with you, but the Press Pack had other ideas.

Note to self: always run with your own.

When the Top Gear Tank finally crossed the bridge all rules and plans went out of the window, the news snappers simply blocked the road at the far side of the bridge, creating an instant photocall.

Annoyed at missing out on this chance I legged it down to the City side waiting for the tank to return and did the same, lodging myself in the middle of the road with 30 other photographers, this time at the front.

The final photocall was back at The Tower Hotel where all three presenters dutifully stood on top of the armoured vehicle with the bridge behind.

This shot was taken from my first vantage point. Maybe not the worst in the world.

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