My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters

Colour By Numbers..

Horrendously tired today.. It was such a long exhausting day, filled with cramming, panic, more cramming, more panic, etc.
So tired in fact that I'm hoping to overcome the insomnia I've been having the past couple of nights. Darn that excessive caffeine..

I literally have been indoors all day, so no chance of a lovely blip in what was glorious warm spring sunshine today. Days like today make it extremely excruciating to be cooped up indoors, nose in book.

This blip is of my revision of the muscles of the forelimb. Coloured in with pretty colours of course. It's slightly blurred, because to be honest that's what all of my revision is looking like at the moment.

Only two days til D Day. Eek!

Before I go, I wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful Mum. I honestly don't know where I'd be without her, my best friend, my hero. Love you xx

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